April 8, 2008


With my oldest coming up on his 5th birthday in a couple weeks I wanted to do a flashback of the day he was born. 7:00 am.....the morning of the 19th of April, the contractions start. They are just the braxton hicks contractions I kept telling myself. They'll go away. So I decide to take a bath. I know I'm crazy, but even if I can't see my legs I still want them shaved if I'm going into the doctors. My hubby has to help me out of the tub because I'm no longer capable of getting up by myself. So after getting contractions for 8 hours and they didn't stop we decided to go to the hospital. The contractions are about 4-5 minutes apart and they hurt so bad I can't move when they come. So I get to the hospital and they get me in a room. They settled me in and gave me an epidural. I was hurting so bad I knew I wanted one. (kudos for any woman who goes without one let me tell you that). They epidural guy joked that I could name the baby after him. An epidural is a miracle let me say that. I felt so relaxed and could actually enjoy labor. So they measured me and I was at 4. They told Steve he could go get some food or something because it would be a little while before I would be ready to push. So Steve left to go get himself some dinner. They checked me while he was gone, and it turned out that I was ready to push. So the minute he gets back there are doctors wandering around everywhere getting things ready. So he doesn't get to eat and 4 pushes later and little Sean pops out. It was actually so easy because they gave me the epidural strong because they thought it would be a while, but since it was so fast the epidural covered all the pain completely. I remember them giving me a shot in the leg after for some reason and I couldn't feel it at all. I remember Sean was so purple and slimy, but I thought he was the most beautiful baby in the world. The feeling of becoming a mom for the first time is something you will never forget. And when they wrapped him up and handed him to me I broke down and started crying. He was so tiny. Yet he was a big baby. 8 lbs .6 oz. I remember the doctors joking that he couldn't have been my first baby because I handled it like a champ, and made it look so easy. But I was in labor for 12 hours, if you count the contractions starting at 7 am, he was born a couple minutes before 8 pm. It was so amazing though. I don't think I slept a wink that night, I was so worried about him getting up to eat, and I was listening to him breathe the whole time, and I checked him to make sure he wasn't cold or too warm. I just kept thinking all night, I can't believe that beautiful baby just came out of me......I can't believe I'm a mom. Well the years went by fast, yet the days seemed slow. Restless nights full of feedings, and diaper changes. He didn't sleep through the night till he was over a year old, and by then I was expecting baby #2. But he was a great baby. Every day was entertaining with him. He's about to turn 5 now and I wonder where the time went. He's such a little grown man and he amazes me every day. He's got the new "I don't need my parents" attitude, and sometimes it's heartbreaking to see. He'll be grown and out on his own before I know it so for now I'm going to enjoy letting him be a kid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sean is so great man it almost made me want to cry reading that thinking he is gonna be 5 where did all the time go? Oh don't forget to say that that you said you hated me during labor!