April 7, 2008

A day in my life....

6:30 am.....baby wakes you up, he knows the Wiggles starts in a little bit so he's up and ready for the day. Usually he'll sit and play in his bed for a few minutes before he gets upset. 7:00 am....the Wiggles.....give the baby a bottle and he's happy for like 5 minutes, but then he'll want baby food. So feed him while he constantly shoves his hands in his mouth and makes a huge mess of baby food all over the place. 7:30 am....finish feeding him and clean him up, his high chair, and toss his outfit in the dirty clothes because it's probably covered in baby food. Hubby leaves for work. 8:00am...between now and 8:30 the other two kids wake up and the house is no longer quiet. 8:30 am....breakfast time......the kids change their minds 3 times what they want for breakfast, so just decide for them and then argue with them that they need to eat their breakfast. 8:45 am.....remind them 5 times to eat and not play. 8:50 am.....clean up something that was spilled because they were playing....usually their glass of milk. 9:00 am....walk down to the gym with the kids, they are actually really good there, they bring their video games and a few toys, and the baby likes the noise of the tredmill so he usually just sits and watches it. 9:30 am...walk home and put the baby down for his first nap. He usually sleeps till about 11:30 so the other two kids usually watch a movie so I can work on homework since I'm going to school full time. I also have to squeeze a shower in then or I won't get one till after hubby gets home from work, I have to throw laundry or dishes in, and pick up the house. 11:30 am....baby wakes up, the other two get hyper, and they play while I figure out lunch. Baby gets lunch first, then the older two. Sometimes I get to eat a few bites too in between getting more ketchup for one, or a drink for the other. 12:30 pm.........we go for a walk to get out of the house because the boys are so hyper being cooped up in the house is not an option. 1:00 pm-2:30 pm........different every day, some days we watch movies, or play, or color, or go swimming.....just whatever we feel like for the day. 2:30 pm......baby's second nap time. Boys watch another movie or on the rare occasion take a nap themselves. (usually like once or twice a month). Homework, chores, and look for what's going to be for dinner. 4:00 pm.....baby is up and it's off for another walk, this time to the mail box, and the sprinklers usually kick on so the kids play in those for a while. 4:30 pm.....start dinner. 5:00 pm......hubby gets home. Dinner time (first the baby, then the rest of us while he plays in his jumper). 6:00 pm........Either a trip to walmart, or we take the kids outside to play. 7:00 pm.......bath time........usually some of the water stays in the tub and doesn't end up on me or the floor. 7:30 pm.......calm down time. Hubby plays with the kids, I do dishes or pick up toys, or make beds and get them ready for bed. Pj's get on all the kids. 8:00 pm.....bedtime for the older two. Get them water, read them each a book, for the next half hour fight with them 3 or 4 times to get back in bed "no you can't have another glass of water," or "it's his video game, take turns......" 8:30 pm......little man goes to bed (a lot easier than the other two who are still awake and still finding excuses to come out of their rooms). 9:00 pm.......they are usually all fast asleep by now, and I've been folding laundry since 8:30, and finally got the dishes done. Then I have to decide homework, or sleep. Usually it's sleep. Average: 5 time outs a day 3 snacks 2 or 3 movies 1 broken toy 2 things spilled 6 fights over who's toy is who's. 10 kisses and hugs 100 smiles and laughs 20 "I Love You's" 10 Thank you's 5 crying fits 10 times where I have to yell at them to listen 30 bathroom trips 2 battles over who gets to brush their teeth first 3 "Please can I have a fruit snack?" 6 games of one sport or another Even though things are crazy, and usually stressful it makes it all worth it when you see those kids smiling and when they are finally sleeping and the end of the day you know you did a good job. We squeeze family time in and lots of fun things so I know the kids love us and they have a ton of fun every day. I might not do it the way other mom's do, but that's ok. My kids are happy and healthy. On a day like today with mommy sick I'm sure there will be more movies and tv than most mom's think is appropriate, but that's ok too.