April 2, 2008

Things my kids taught me today.......

1. A toilet paper roll is more fun than any expensive toy. 2. Mayhem can beat up Superman. 3. Any blow up toy can work as a punching bag. 4. The color of a hard boiled egg matters, even though it looks the same when you peel it. 5. Dunking oreo's is an art form and requires a lot of thought. 6. Fruit snacks should be a food group! 7.If I'm good I get a cookie, if I'm bad I get a nap (hmmmm....a nap actually sounds a lot better than a cookie). 8. If Spongebob can do it, so can I! 9. Transformers and TNMT are the greatest movies in the world. 10. You can have tons of fun with an air mattress. 11. Anyone can be a hero if they can put the ninja turtles leg back on, or fix the power ranger's head. 12. When mom says go, she means stop, and when she says don't it means go ahead. 13. The best part of the day is when daddy walks through the door.

Things I never thought I'd say

1. No Tackle Football in the house!!! 2. Stop banging your head against the wall. 3. If you put your finger in your nose a monster will bite it! 4. Yeah! You went poop!(even said in public bathrooms) 5. The Easter Bunny must shop at Walmart. 6. The ceiling fan is not a toy! 7. Yes you can have pizza for breakfast! 8. Thank God for bedtime!!! (most peaceful time of the day) Things I never thought I'd say that my parents said: 1. Quit crying or I'll give you something to cry about. 2. Because I said so that's why. 3. Be good or you're grounded! 4. Knock it off or I will turn this car around (never actually happens....hmmm....)

I dont know how you do it.....

You know, I get asked a lot how I do it. Raising 3 boys I mean. Well, not even just 3 boys, but 3 kids. I know people with way more than 3 kids, and I just don't understand I guess why people think I'm so great with 3 when a lot our friends have 4 or 5, or even 6. But I've heard a lot of people say I'm real brave because it's one more kid than hands I have to hold them. Good point I guess I mean I only have two hands how do I do it. But I think as a mom we have more than two hands, have to, and we have the eyes in the back of our heads, and the ability to do a million things at one time. It's how we survive as moms and get all the things done that need to get done. (In all honesty though I'll tell you my kids are great and I don't need to have a million hands to handle them). I think it's amazing the multi-tasking that we do every day as parents. I mean within a one hour time span you'll usually see me doing laundry, dishes, cooking a meal, talking on the phone and coloring with the kids at the same time. I think it's more of a timing thing. We have the timing down to a skill on what needs to be done at a certain time to get everything on your list accomplished that day. It's amazing. So I don't think I'm great just because I'm raising 3 kids, I think all moms are great, whether they have 1 kid to chase or 10. So today I want to give kudos to all the moms out there as our business cards are full to the max. Chefs, Maids, Taxi DriversToy Fixers, Owie Fixers, mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, the finder of lost toys, homework helper, cookie baker, bed maker, outfit coordinator, shoe finder..........and all the other tasks we do on a day to day basis. We're all the heros in our kids eyes. Just a thought.

Today's thoughts........getting started

Well here I go. I'm a little nervous about starting this, but I think it will turn out great. I love to write and I love to talk so it's easy for me to think of something to post. If you want to read what I have to say, great, if not that's ok too I wont be offended. Today I'm taking a step outside of my personal boundaries and trying to make these dreams of mine come true. So I think this will just be my welcome message, and then my next one will be on a certain topic. Let's see, I'll talk about why I want to do this first. I love to write, I'm a writer at heart, and I love to talk. I want to be a journalist some day and eventually (fingers crossed) own my own magazine. Big dreams I know. But hopefully I have what it takes to make things happen. Just think though, if you're a close friend and supporter of me you could end up with free subscriptions once it happens. So that means you! Support me. Anyways that's my thoughts on getting started. I will let you guys help me pick topics to write about, and I will write about thoughts, and plans, and well....pretty much anything that comes to my head......funny things the kids do, life raising 3 boys, military wife life, and anything I feel like for the day. Let's get this going.