July 20, 2009

My son the Serial killer

This happened about 3 weeks ago. We were sitting at the doctor's office. I was sick. (not fun when you're a mom and expected to run the house). My poor husband was sitting in the waiting room with all 4 kids (what a trooper). He told me what happened after we got to the car. Apparantly Sean (my oldest) was playing with a toy that he brought that looked like an axe. A lady sitting in the waiting room asked him what he was playing with. This is what he said "It's an axe. I like to play Chopped. You start with 4 guys, and you chop them until there's only 1 guy." I guess she looked freaked. Wouldn't you be? Wouldn't you be calling me out as a horrible mother for raising a future serial killer? But instead of freaking out when my husband told me I started busting up laughing. There is a reasonable explanation for his statement. His all time favorite show right now is "CHOPPED" on food network. It's a competition between 4 chefs and each round one of them gets chopped and then it gets down to 1 winner. So he's not a future serial killer, maybe a future chef, but for now I'll just let him play with his toy axe and freak people out.

back in action

I haven't posted in a long time. Since my last post I've accomplished a lot. I had a BABY! Guess I forgot how much work that was. I kept getting on here to write and I was like "what do I have to write about?" I just kept thinking I stay at home, I don't do anything worth writing about. Then this week I had a revelation. I realized that I HAVE 4 KIDS!!! My life couldn't be boring if I tried. There's always something to write about when you have kids, and there's always other moms out there going through the same things, or needing a laugh when they are stressed and wanting to hear about someone elses kid being worse than theres. We love them, but somedays when we're in the grocery store and our kids laying on the floor screaming bloody murder for a candy bar you just want to disappear into the crowd and be like "who's kid is that?" Then there are days when they come up to you without a word and give you and hug or a kiss and it just melts your heart. My kids are crazy, they are fun, they are bratty at times, and they always have something interesting to say. I love to talk about them. So I figured I might as well write it all down. If not for anyone else to read, it'll be a reminder to me when they grow up how they used to be and how much I've been through.