July 23, 2008


Life gives you many opportunities. It's really up to you how you see them when they come your way. A lot of situations you could look at it two different ways, one as something horrible, and the other as an opportunity to learn something. Say you're sitting there with your grandfather, or grandmother, or great uncle...someone more elderly, and they are talking up a storm. You can look at it one of two ways and they way you'll look at it will determine how your day is going to be. You can look at it like "oh my god, will he ever shut up....this is so boring. Why do I have to sit here?" and then you can halfway listen as the minutes tick by super slow and it can just bring your whole day down. Then I'm sure you'll complain about it for weeks to come about how boring this person is. Or you can actually listen to the person talking. If you actually sit and listen, and ask questions I'm sure that person has so many interesting stories about "the good ol' days" and things that happened in the past. You may even find that the time flies by quicker than you wanted it to and you'll learn a lot about the person. It could even make your day a great one. You only have so much time with people.....as sad as it is you do. And you don't want to be the one at the funeral listening to stories about them thinking to yourself "wow....he was a pretty amazing person. I wish I'd gotten to know him more." Because then it's too late. I think we should all look at life on the positive side of things as much as we can because we might miss something great and we probably won't be able to get it back.