April 8, 2008


Change is a very scary thing, yet it brings good things with it. Being a military wife brought lots of changes so many times. I know a lot of people who are going through big changes in their lives, whether moves, having new babies, leaving friends behind that are holding them back....there are many different kinds of changes. I don't think any of them are bad. When God closes a door he opens a window. Life will bring more things, you may think it's bad and will never get better, but things do get better. There are so many opportunities you can do for your life. Things won't change unless you decide to let them, and when you finally do and open your hear to the change you're realize it was for the best. Moving so many times has been hard, I've left behind a lot of great friends, though we try to keep in touch through our busy lives, but it also has allowed me to see a lot of great places I probably never would have traveled to. And I met a lot of great people. Yes not all the times were great, and not all the friends were great friends, and not all the places we moved to we liked, but you have to look at the good side instead of always the bad. I don't know why people always look at change as a bad thing. Yes it's scary and it's hard leaving all the things you "know" in the past, but it's also an adventure and it really could end up being the greatest thing to happen. Like having a new baby. Nothing could change your life more, but it's one of the most amazing things that could ever happen to a person. It makes them see life a whole new way. Taking a new job is scary too, but it could be a great opportunity too. So I say we should embrace life's changes and see where they take us. Even if it turns out to be a mistake at least you tried right?

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