October 18, 2008

I was thinking this week. I had to get an IV because I was dehydrated from my morning sickness, and I told the nurse that I thought that getting an IV was worse that the actual labor. Don't get me wrong, labor isn't fun, I've been through it 3 times believe me....you don't get pregnant and the first thing that pops in your head is "Oh great, I can't wait for labor to start it was so much fun last time." It's labor...they wouldn't call it that if it wasn't. But man all the different needles you have to get while you are pregnant seem just as bad to me. I hate shots, and needles. Your body is made to give birth, but man when they stick a needle through your skin it freaks me out. I'm sure it doesn't hurt even a tiny little bit close to the actual giving birth, but at the moment you think it does. Maybe each painful moment in life you think it's the worst, and the hardest moment at that point. Like with each epidural I say it hurts worse than the last epidural even though I'm sure it's about the same. Maybe that's like every hard moment in life.....at each low you think it's the lowest and the hardest times, but it always gets better, and the next time you think it's worse than the last. I'm sure when I'm in labor I won't be thinking that the IV was worse, I'll be begging the nurse for the IV instead, but I guess since I knew the only thing coming that day was the IV I was dreading it. But I still know it'll all be worth it in the end when I get to hold the baby for the first time.....it always is.