September 2, 2008

Today there was something scary that happened in our house. It was almost set on fire. If circumstances had been different our whole house could have been lost along with everything in it. My kids were throwing their dirty clothes downstairs like they always do so it can go in the laundry room, and one item of clothing got stuck on the light at the top of the stairs. Well it started burning without us realizing it and it eventually set off all the smoke detectors and caught on fire. My husband is at work, and me and all 3 of my kids are downstairs. So I'm running through the house trying to figure out what's on fire. I found it thank goodness and turned the light off and drowned the clothes in water after I got it off the light. The whole house filled with smoke so I opened up all the windows and took the kids out to the car for a while. I was getting ready to take my oldest boy to school. What if we had left 5 minutes earlier like we usually do? What would have happened? My husband was working nights for the first time....we were only waiting for him to get home so he could come with us to drop our Kindergartener off at school. What if he hadn't worked nights that night? There are so many what if's. We don't know what could have happend. We're just thankful that I was able to stop it and get the kids out away from the smoke. So many worse things could have happened. No one was hurt, and we're only down one light bulb and a pair of kids underwear. So we are very lucky and we realize that. It's just scary to realize that because of certain circumstances things are ok, and someone must have been watching over you. Needless to say we are getting the kids a hamper for their room and clothes will no longer be tossed down the stairs. But it makes you really think and worry that something bad could happen. You need to take precautions to try and prevent them, and you need to cherish every moment that you do have with your family. Next time we may not be as lucky.
I think when you are between two and three month's pregnant you're more self conscious than you are as a teenage girl. You're in between the stage where you really look pregnant, yet you really don't look skinny. So when you're walking around you see people looking at you and you can tell they are wondering if you're pregnant or if you've just gained some weight. It makes you want to go out and buy a shirt that says "I'm not fat, I'm pregnant....and fat!" Kind of like they have the little onsies for babies that say "I am not a boy!" and "I am not a girl!" for babies since even if you dress your little boy all in blue, with a blue blanket people will still say "oh what a pretty girl." It's kind of irritating. It's hard to feel beautiful when you're pregnant when you throw up all day, feel like you're huge, and can't fit into any of your clothes at all. But having a little tiny baby inside you is beautiful, and this last week when I got my first ultrasound and I got a sneak peak at the little baby I never felt more beautiful. To have created a little life like that is just amazing. And when you have a little baby inside you, you fall in love with him/her before you've even met them. Even though I have 3 other kids, this one is a whole new baby and it's like your love grows with each child. Even though you think it couldn't possibly grow any more. So you know what I'll take all the odd looks from people as they pass me wondering if I'm pregnant or just haven't lost all the baby weight from the last baby. Because I know that there's a little miracle in my belly, and I'm probably never going to see any of those people again anyways, but the baby is mine forever.