July 4, 2008

Something I learned

Something that I learned over the weekend is that there are two different kinds of people in this world. One group of people thinks about others and how they feel, and the other group only thinks about themselves and worries about them and them alone. We were at a baseball game this weekend and we were sitting on the lawn in a pretty open area. There were a few people around us, but not too many. Then all of a sudden a couple and their daughter come up and stand at the fence directly in front of us. They saw us, they looked back and saw that we were sitting there, and they just didn't care. They blocked the way anyways. We have 3 kids with us and we're trying to watch the game and we can't see anything. So eventually we moved since it was raining and when we came back we saw they were still standing there so we sat away from them a little bit in an area where we could see. So then about 10 minutes later they leave and come back, not to the spot they were at, but to a spot directly in front of us again blocking our view once again. We were a little irritated, but the boys seemed to have fun anyways. Then they were doing fireworks after the game to celebrate the 4th of July. We had to move since our seats were blocked by a tree, so we moved and sat down by some other people when a couple of teenage kids came and stood directly in front of us blocking the view of the fireworks completely. My husband got up and asked them to move. We missed the game, we weren't about to let the kids miss the fireworks as well. It's our youngest son's first 4th of July, and first time seeing fireworks. Well they moved, but they did not look happy about it. By this point I was thinking very low of people in general. But after watching people try to leave the parking lot after the fireworks was a whole other matter. Now like I said before some people are polite and they do think about others. You'll see them waving people in and it delays them a bit but they still help and let other's ahead of them. But then you'll see the cars that push and shove their way through the traffic, or go around all the cars waiting in line to get there a whole 5 seconds sooner. We weren't in a hurry, the kids fell asleep two minutes into being in the car. So we just sat with the windows down waiting for the parking lot to clear out. If everyone would have let just one person out and waited in line it probably would have been a lot faster. But there are those people that are just out for themselves and ready to get themselves ahead that they don't think about the people that they pushing past.