June 2, 2008


Life is kind of crazy. You always think life is about all the "things" you have, and who has more, or whose is better......it never ends. We haven't had anything for a couple months since we moved and our stuff is still being shipped here and I've realized that the more you have, the longer it takes to clean it, and the less time you have for things that are fun. I had a water balloon fight with the kids today. It didnt take more than the house outside and some water balloons. The kids had a blast. Yeah we don't have our couches to sit on yet, but that just means there is more room to play duck duck goose in, and run around playing tag in the house. Now don't get me wrong I miss all of our things as much as the kids probably miss all their toys, but they aren't important. I've realized that we're still happy with just our family and we can still manage to have fun without all of our stuff. I think it makes the kids appreciate their things more when we don't have them, but they also realize that it's just stuff and that family is more important.

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