May 14, 2008


I thought last year when my oldest started Preschool that it was a big step. But he was only gone from 9-12 every day. This year we just signed him up for Kindergarten. He's 5 now, and I know he's more than ready. But I don't think I'm ready. It's hard to let them go. He'll be gone from 8-3 every day. That's 7 hours. It's hard for me to think of him being gone that long during the day. I guess I'm not ready to let him go grow up yet, and it's happening too fast. It seems like it was just yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital. And also this year my middle one will be in Preschool. It's only a matter of time before they both graduate and are out on their own. It's sad to think like that. How do you learn to let them go? How do you stop the worrying, when they aren't there for you all day to make sure that they are ok. You can't be there to help them make friends, or to make sure they don't get picked on, or fall and get hurt. I know he'll be fine. He's a great kid and makes friends easily, but it's still heartbreaking to watch him grow up. Enjoy all the time with them you can while they are home, because before you know it you'll be standing there watching them go into school, and they'll turn around and say "I love you Mommy" and walk away. Your heart will break and you'll want to rewind life and make them little again so you can hold on juts a little bit longer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least it will be a while before they don't want to publicly say"I love you mommy". My little niece and nephew are going in to kindergarden this year. I'm scared shitless. I know they can do it...but I agree, we're not there to make sure they don't get hurt, to answer all their questions, to make sure no one picks on's hard to know exactly what you want to say to them...I remember when they were born and all I could think about was them getting a little older so we can play and I could spoil them. That we could have indepth chats, and I coudl be there for them....What was I thinking!! They're my babies!! I want them to stay with me Always!!