April 4, 2008


Wow, women are horrible, horrible people sometimes. Why do we say such mean things to other women just to hurt them. It's like we'll all be best friends one minute, and then talk crap about each other behind everyone's backs. It's horrible. I almost wish that women lived their lives more like men. They don't gossip, or talk about one another. If they get mad they fight it out, and then they are friends again. It's like a magic code that after you fight it out everything is better. Women drag things on for months, or even years and bicker and talk bad about each other the whole way. I just don't understand why we live like this. It's almost like High School never ends for women. They just gossip about different things than they would in High School, about how bad of a parent someone is, or the latest who is cheating on who, or I can't believe she's wearing that, or married to him. It's horrible. It makes me wonder if people are that bored with their own lives that they need to try and stir up trouble with everyone else. I think all us women should try to start living a life more like men and not worry so much about everyone else. I'm busy enough with my hubby and three kids, and college, and life, I don't have enough time in the day for me, let alone to deal with gossip. It makes everyone stressed out and upset and honestly I think it's pointless. I mean who benefits from it anyways. The gossiper just gets an image of being nosy and someone you can't trust with a secret, and the person gossiped about will probably get a reputation she does not deserve (and even if she does who are you to decide that). So I'm going to start living a life like men without the gossip and rumors. They seem to have more fun anyways.


Anonymous said...

Haha - VERY true. But guys have their drama too. It's just nothing like us though. haha.

Anonymous said...

I have always said, women are rediculous. I've always found men more simplisitic. But it's funny, they're simplisitic because they don't care. As far as gossip? I'm sorry, but they have man gossip! I'm around guys alot, and they way they talk is just a different lingo, but boy do they gossip! I also wish we could just duke it out, and then get over it