April 11, 2008

Traveling with kids....

I would have to say that I have a huge amount of experience with traveling with kids for long car rides, and airplane rides. From ages of infants to my now 5 year old son. So here are a few tips if you're going to travel with kids that I've picked up through the years. 1. Always bring ziplock bags, and plastic grocery bags (they could come in handy with a messy spill, or cleaning out the car when you stop to get gas, or even to put snacks in for the kids to eat to make it less likely to spill). 2. Two words......hand sanitizer. You don't know if all the bathrooms you stop at are going to be "clean" let alone have soap or paper towels. 3. Laurie Berkner, Barney, and Wiggles CD's. Yes it will drive you crazy, but it will entertain them as well. And if you sing along then the time will go by faster for you too. (warning, use in car not airplane or you'll get some annoyed looks from other passengers). 4. Stash of toys that don't make noise, but they love to play with. Especially for on a plane. Like coloring books, crayons, wooden puzzles, hotwheels, and other small toys. 5. Snacks! Keep their mouths full and there is less fighting and asking "are we there yet?" 6. Bring a box of Capri Sun or other juices. It's less stops to get drinks and you'll save money in the long run from it. (Just don't let them drink too many too fast or you'll be stopping to pee.) 7. For infants bring new toys or ones they haven't seen in a while. They also really like playing with magazines or junk mail. (Just make sure it's nothing you'll want to read later because they like to rip it). 8. Always bring something from home for them, a stuffed animal or lovey. They get scared on the plane sometimes, especially at take off and landing with all the bumps. 9. For infants bring a bottle or binki so their ears won't pop when you're flying. Feed them as you're about to take off and land. 10. A laptop or DVD player will entertain the kids for a few hours. Bring newer movies, or their favorites. 11. Bring baby wipes. Even if you don't have little ones, they help clean up sticky hands, and messy faces, and clean up if things are spilled. They are great for all kinds of messes. 12. When packing clothes for them, always plan for a couple of messes so bring extra outfits. 13. Plan for the stress. It will be a little stressful, traveling with kids is. So try not to expect a perfectly peaceful trip every time. There will be tears, and plenty of "are we there yet's" So just try and enjoy the trip, they can be lots of fun if you don't worry so much about the little things. The kids love playing games with you, searching for certain color cars, looking at the cows on the side of the road, and yes the stop at McDonalds that always happens so they can get a happy meal. Lighten up and have some fun and your kids will too.


jenise said...

spot on. exactly what i'd advise, too! amazing how any good ideas there are for traveling, and a lot of the magazines leave out the little things that make a huge difference, like the ziploc bags... seriously!

Anonymous said...

What about if your kids are throwing up the whole time?