April 17, 2008


Dating: Flowers just because, phone calls till 3 am, kisses and hugs all the time for no reason at all, love notes, fancy dinners out, both of you acting to impress the other, dancing, movies, flirting, gazing into each other's eyes, walking while holding hands. Engaged:Still lovey dovey, flowers occasionally, phone calls but not as late anymore, hugs and kisses, notes asking about wedding plans, nice dinners out (but not as nice since you're planning a wedding now), So many wedding plans you probably won't see as much of each other, fighting over him forgetting to order his tux or book the DJ, You get over fights though because you're so in love and you let the world know by holding hands and sneaking a kiss here and there. 1st year married:Burnt dinners (that you'll eat to be nice), lovey dovey (but mostly at home), you learn about each others little habits you didn't know about before (but you think they are cute), you compromise on what you want to make both of you happy, you don't want to hang out with your friends because you think each other are enough, less movies and dinners out to save money for that dream house, little nit pick fights. 3rd year:The habits aren't so cute anymore, argue over who is cooking dinner that night or which restraunt you want to eat at, he starts burping like it's no big deal, She no longer cares if she's cranky at "that time of the month" and she'll let him know it, you go to lunch or shopping with your friends because you need your space before you kill him for leaving his dirty clothes on the floor, you can't remember the last time he got you flowers or took you to dinner, kisses and hugs become less often and further between. 5 or more years:guys fart and burp like it's no big deal (even during meals) or talk about "bathroom issues" like you really want to hear about them, you know all his little habits drive you crazy, but you realize you love him more today than you did when you first got married and realize that life is pretty good. You're comfortable with each other to talk about anything (even gross stuff), and you know you've had your ups and downs, but at the end of the day you still love each other. (And this isn't even if you toss kids into the mix, that's a whole nother story).

1 comment:

Steven1664 said...

Very funny babe, what is wrong with burping and farting at meals? Just kidding I love you.