April 25, 2008

All Dressed Up

When you're married and you have kids and you go through weeks of cleaning, cooking, and tending to everyone's needs but your own, you tend to overlook one peron. You. You let your appearance slip and stop worrying about "dressing to impress." After all, your kids don't care if you are dressed in a beautiful evening gown or if you wear your pj's all day. But it always makes you feel beautiful on the days when you try. Any little excuse to dress up just makes you feel great. Tonight I'm going out with the girls. I think I spent more time getting dolled up today than I have in a month or two. It's almost as exciting as a date with my hubby (which doesn't happen very often when you have 3 kids ages 5 and under). I like feeling like I look beautiful though, maybe I'll try and put forth an effort more often. But with three kids even getting a shower every day is lucky. But feeling clean and getting to put on makeup and do your hair....that won't be able to be an every day thing. Maybe when they grow up some.

1 comment:

jenise said...

i have a friend who just told me a story about a lady on cafemom doing this! she decided that our self image goes downhill as we let ourselves go after mother hood as we get busier, so everyday for a week she is doing her hair, shaving, and putting on makeup. i tried it, and she's right. i felt a lot better. it's amazing how simply doing your hair and putting on a bit of mascara changes the way you feel about yourself. too bad mom's aren't always guaranteed an hour every morning to get ready like they did pre-mothorhood! the world would be a much happier place! ;)