April 28, 2008

What if...

Life brings on a lot of changes. Sometimes you can't help but wonder all the "what ifs." Like how would things be if you had changed just one thing in your life. Would anything be the way it is now? Would it affect other people's lives as well as your own. It's a waste of time to think about all the "what ifs" and not live in the present. You'll be missing out on some pretty great things if all you dwell on is the past. You'll drive yourself crazy trying to figure out if things could be better, if you could have helped someone, or if you could have stopped someone from doing something stupid. Everyone lives their own lives. Yes the things we do affect people, but they ultimately decide their own destiny as well as we do our own. So live in the present. Live in today, don't forget about yesterday, but forget about thinking how different things could be "if" only.


Anonymous said...

What if......I married the greatest woman in the world......oh wait I did!

Anonymous said...

You know, I realize that a lot of people get caught up in the what ifs. A lot of drama attached to those two words. I can honestly say that I don't say "What if" after an accident. I dont' say "What if" long after a break-up. I say "What if" when I want good things for my nieces and nephews. Like What if I encouraged her a little more, she might just be able to tie her shoes. Or What if I tried a little harder, I could afford all those nice things I want.