September 9, 2008

The years go by....'

I've been thinking a lot since my oldest son started Kindergarten. It's hard to believe the days of him being home all day are gone now. I knew he was starting school, but I didn't really realize that it was like a whole new stage in life, and that the old one would never come back. It can never go back. I mean yeah we have the summer vacations where he'll be home, but the older he gets the less and less time he's going to want to spend with me anyways. When we first started taking him to school we got to walk him all the way to his classroom and say goodbye to him there. After the first week of school though they have us drop him off at the gate and he has to walk back by himself. It was heartbreaking watching him walk by himself. But what's more heartbreaking is the first week he was doing it he would turn around and wave goodbye to us one more time when he got to his class, and those days are past now. He runs to his class and doesn't look back most of the time anymore. It's hard watching them grow. I remember when it was just me and him, before his brothers were born, and he would run around the house playing with me, and we would cuddle on the couch and watch Blues Clues or the Wiggles. Yes he still sits and watches tv with me or reads books with me, but it's not the same. 6 hours out of the day he's not at home, he's not here with me, and I don't know what he's doing. I know he's in good hands, and he loves school, but I just miss the days when he was home all day with me. So if you still have a little one at home, enjoy the time with them, because they go by fast, and before you know it they'll be off to school, and then the time flies by so fast you won't even believe it. Kids are amazing, and the years don't last nearly long enough. My middle one is about to turn 4 years old in less than a month. Next year he should be headed to Kindergarten too. Then I'll have two of them in school all day. The house will sure be a lot quieter, and you may think that that's a good thing, but I'll miss them.

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