September 21, 2008

Can you believe that Halloween is coming up again right around the corner? It seems like we just got done with the holidays from last year and they are creeping up on us again. You go in the store, and it's like Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas all rolled into one big holiday. My boys of coarse are loving it. And I love the holiday season. I think as soon as Halloween gets past us then the mood of everyone is like a million times better. It's like the upcoming holidays just makes people more polite, and friendly, and just plain happy. That's what I love about it. The holidays are different as a parent then they are when you're a kid yourself. It's funny how it changes, and I've been thinking a lot about it lately. When you're a kid Halloween is about candy, Thanksgiving is about eating, and maybe watching the parade or football game, and Christmas is about presents, and santa, and more presents! When you're a grown up and you have your own family I think the holidays are about something completely different. You go trick or treating with your kids, so you can watch them have a blast, and when they have a blast, it makes your day. Then on Thanksgiving it's about family and if you're a perfectionist like me, it's about making the perfect dinner and desserts, even if your family is going to tear into them and devour it all within 10 minutes. You still put forth the effort. Christmas, you go from believing in Santa, to not believing in Santa, to being Santa. My kids haven't hit the age yet where they don't believe in him, and I hope they don't for a long time, because I love the innocence in them, and how excited they get baking and decorating cookies for Santa, and writing their letters and getting their picture taken with him. The whole holiday season it's like they're excited and happy and I love it. I love watching them walk down the stairs in the morning to realize that Santa came. I know we go overboard every year, and some people might think that they are "spoiled" but I love watching their faces light up as they open each present, and realize Santa got them exactly what they wanted. I love driving around looking at Christmas lights and drinking hot chocolate with the kids. And yes I'm one of those crazy people who start playing Christmas CD's as soon as Halloween is over. But my kids love it, and so I love doing it. The holidays I think are just as amazing as an adult reliving it through your kids eyes. It's the best thing in the world knowing how excited they are going to get and being there to see it. They've changed their minds on Halloween costumes at least 10 times each, most people would get stressed about it, but I think it's hillarious. They like so many things they just can't decide. It's like a life or death decision here for them and they need to make the right one. Sometimes I wish I could go back to being a kid to see the magic in the holidays again, but as a mom, I still do see it. You just have to look in their eyes and you'll know it's there.

1 comment:

cherrypop_00_02 said...

I so know what you mean, Sam hasn't been able to decide what he wants to be either; one minute it's a police officer, then spiderman, and then a dragon. It'll be interesting to see where he ends up.