October 22, 2008

It's crazy. When I was pregnant with my boys, and I found out they were boys, all I thought about was sports, and karate, and boy toys like ninja turtles, and power rangers and stuff. But yesterday I found out that our fourth baby is going to be a girl. My mind is spinning. I am thinking about things like frilly dresses and tea parties, all the way to bra shopping, and wedding planning, and proms, and a million other things. Walking to the "pink" side of the store broke me down in tears....and that never happened buying things on the "blue" side. I love my boys, don't get me wrong, but growing up I always knew I wanted to have a daughter, and just knowing that it's about to happen is overflowing my heart, and filling my mind with all the new things I'll get to do. I can't wait to braid her hair, and teach her to put on makeup, and help her get through her first broken heart from the "love of her life". I know it's crazy, but it's like a whole new world. Boys are amazing, they really are, they are hyper, and sporty, and non stop all day, but they are so much fun. I love my boys and yes you'll see me running around the house with a power ranger mask on shooting a fake gun and even making the noises for it. But even my boys are excited to have a little girl in the house. It really does complete my family, and I don't know if I could say that if this had been another boy....because I don't think my family would be complete until I had a daughter of my own. I think like how all guys want to have a son, all girls want to have a daughter. And now I'll finally have mine and I'll have my complete family.

October 18, 2008

I was thinking this week. I had to get an IV because I was dehydrated from my morning sickness, and I told the nurse that I thought that getting an IV was worse that the actual labor. Don't get me wrong, labor isn't fun, I've been through it 3 times believe me....you don't get pregnant and the first thing that pops in your head is "Oh great, I can't wait for labor to start it was so much fun last time." It's labor...they wouldn't call it that if it wasn't. But man all the different needles you have to get while you are pregnant seem just as bad to me. I hate shots, and needles. Your body is made to give birth, but man when they stick a needle through your skin it freaks me out. I'm sure it doesn't hurt even a tiny little bit close to the actual giving birth, but at the moment you think it does. Maybe each painful moment in life you think it's the worst, and the hardest moment at that point. Like with each epidural I say it hurts worse than the last epidural even though I'm sure it's about the same. Maybe that's like every hard moment in life.....at each low you think it's the lowest and the hardest times, but it always gets better, and the next time you think it's worse than the last. I'm sure when I'm in labor I won't be thinking that the IV was worse, I'll be begging the nurse for the IV instead, but I guess since I knew the only thing coming that day was the IV I was dreading it. But I still know it'll all be worth it in the end when I get to hold the baby for the first time.....it always is.

October 3, 2008

Sometimes someone can make your day and not even realize that they just did. I was having a really rough day the other day, but I always do try to look nice when I leave the house. It just wasn't a great day though, the kids were getting to me, and I didn't have time to shower before taking my son to school, and I just felt yucky. Then after I dropped my son off and I was headed to the car a little old lady came up to me and told me I looked beautiful today. It just completely made my day. It was like all the problems of my morning just went away with that. She didn't know me, and I may not see her again, but she made such an impact on my day and she will never even know how much it meant to me. Sometimes I feel like no one is here with me and no one notices how hard I try to do everything, but then when my day has really had it this comes out of the blue and brings me up again. Almost like I have an angel watching over me and when I really need someone they are there. I know it was just a small little comment, but it really made me change my outlook on the day. I love how little old ladies are so sweet and they just want to let you know what they think. I get a lot of compliments in the store from them on how great my kids are, and in restaurants as well. And they are the ones that when your kids are screaming and you're ready to rip out your hair, they look at you and smile because they were where you are once and they know just how you feel. I can't help but look up to them and respect them. I really hope then when I get older I'm one of these sweet old ladies and I can make someone's day like this lady did to me. Because when you're a mom of 3 1/2 kids you can really use someone to tell you you're pretty once in a while, or even simply let you know that you're doing a good job.